I’ve had offers already to help share costs, and it is much appreciated. As mentioned to those who inquired, I have a proposition for the board. To the extent anyone wants to pitch in, please feel free. Rather than use any donations for monthly maintenance costs, however, my intent is to set them aside in an Upgrade Fund.
Let me ‘splain.
No, there is too much–let me sum up:
Costs to run the board right now are minimal ($8.00/mo.), so no worries there. I’m more than happy to give up one 6-pack of Sam Addams a month for the right to hang with you magnificent bastiges.
However, if the board becomes successful and expands, what I’d like to do is eventually upgrade to vBulletin. I have some passing familiarity with the program and its many customizable bells and whistles, and believe it to be the state-of-the-art message board application.
To purchase a license, get it installed and overlay a custom template, we’re talking probably $250-300, depending on the variables. One such would be picking the template ... which I envision being a community endeavor. There are thousands of available templates out there, and I can see us having fun searching out and ultimately voting on our favorite.
There’s no timetable here. And of course, should we decide after a while we like the current setup and opt not to upgrade, that’s cool too. In that case, unless server costs get out of hand (which won’t be an issue for years, if ever, unless we drastically expand in membership down the road) we’ll simply use any donation money for an epic tailgate debauch at a game or something.
That’s about it. If you’re so moved, feel free to click the thingy below. I’ll plan to post periodic (probably monthly) balance updates, and if it looks like we’re getting close to the target we’ll start talking seriously about the upgrade.
Finally, at the risk of beating a dead horse ... please don’t feel like you need to do anything. The board is up and running, the bill minimal. If you do want to make a contribution, that’s fine and much appreciated, but it won’t go to pay server costs or into my pocket. It will go toward a prospective upgrade. And if there’s ever a need to change that plan, I’ll let you know well ahead of time.
Cheers, and thanks.
-- Edited by Om on Tuesday 7th of April 2009 10:00:07 PM