If I were allowed to answer a question with another question, I would ask "Based solely on his 2008/2009 campaign, should we have considered trading him and two first rounders to upgrade this position?"
Personally, I would say no. He's still learning, and despite his inconsistencies, I still still more promise of star than potential of bust.
But, the fact is, he is trade bait, at least according to our front office anyway.
In order for him NOT to be traded, he'd have to have one hell of a season, both individually in terms of stats, as well as our overall win %. We'll have a good year, and will likely make a push for the division title with both TO and Plax out the picture, but our success will (just as it's always been) be based off solid defence and a dominating run game, neither of which translate into big numbers for Campbell.
Therefore, I say Jason Campbell will NOT be our quarterback in 2010, though he may probably deserve to be.
I don't see it happening. He just doesn't seem to have the necessary anticipation in the passing game.
I was quite taken with his potential after the 2006 season. Unsure after 2007. Feeling good 4 games into 2008. And it's been downhill since. He just seemed to get worse as the season went along.
Supporting cast the problem, you say? Even more damning, if you ask me. The QB you want to keep is the guy who can elevate everyone's play, not get dragged down with it. Lots of guys can do that. You don't sign them to lucrative long-term contracts. But, I think Campbell was a big part of the problem, and offered no solution.
The organization already pretty much showed him the door, and it's not like their lip service is going to get him pumped to stay in DC long term.
The real question remains, who is he going to play for when the Skins DO show him the door?
It appears that the Broncos didn't want him, and since the Skins weren't able to get him traded when Cutler talks stalled, is he going to be a backup somewhere and try to prove himself all over again? me thinks that will be even worse for his career.
The bottom line for Campbell is he has to lead the Skins to the post-season or else he's gone.